The art of healthy eating
The number that shows up on the weight machine may be the one and only thing that we think about when we are confronted with thought on keeping fit. Yet, this is not the only aspect of keeping fit. Eating healthy, coupled with exercises and breathing sessions are equally important than one’s weight. All this will make sure you have a strong immune system, that’s not prone to any illness or life-threatening diseases.

Wholesome foods
Yes, you heard us right. It is imperative to include some amount of carbohydrates in your diet plan, that’s how you are going to get your energy from. Any good nutritionist or dietician will tell you that you need to bring in the right amount of carbs through whole-wheat bread, pasta, fruits and vegetables that we consume, which is further converted as fuel for our muscles and bodies so that we may function well.
Legumes and lentils
These common kitchen ingredients might sound boring as a menu item, as they are full of essential proteins and vitamins. You can substitute many of your red meat meals in favor of lentils and legumes, for at least two meals of the day. The best part about beans and lentils is the fact that they can be used in curries, pureed into dips, tossed into a salad after being boiled the possibilities are endless. This makes it a perfect meal as well as snack that can easily be a part of your healthy eating plan. You can make a sweet and salty snack with lentils or even a savory curry that will go well with rice and wraps.
Veggies & fruits
You do not necessarily have to ingest only meat to get your dose of protein. While lean protein is a must in every healthy eating plan, you can also have eggs and dairy as well as many kinds of vegetables so that you get all the protein that your body needs. Vegetables, especially, can be used for protein because you can have plenty of salads and other stir fry preparations without getting too full, which is something that you may experience with meat even after having a small portion of the same. These are nature’s best super foods packed with the vital nutrients as well as minerals like iron and more. Experts recommend at least five servings of veggies and fruits in a day to keep the body fit and gut healthy.
Dairy items like milk, cheese and yogurt is extremely important for the healthy eating plan. These animal-sourced food items are full of calcium and protein, which fortifies the good health of your bones and keeps you away from the risk of developing arthritis and other such diseases.